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« June 2005 |
July 17, 2005
Lavender Girls

Anything you want to tell me feel free!!

11:40 PM | Comments (0)
Domestics , Life , Love , Photography

Today was a really good day. It’s hard to explain the feeling of just well pure content that I have right now. I'm not sure if I've ever felt this good and its for no other reason than a good day with Kevin.

A good morning (if you know what I mean) and we actually got up at a decent time and decided to go out. Often weekends we bum around too much in the morning and then get frustrated when we have to rush to get anything done (I really wish stores operated on Rachel time instead of closing so early).

Anyway we went to view an open house for some condos made by the same builder who is putting the houses in across the street from us. We wanted to see the quality. While yes, they do still have that "exactly the same as the rest" kind of feel, the quality is pretty good.

On the way to open house we saw a sign for an estate sale and decided to stop after. We had so much fun! I had that odd nostalgia feeling for people I had never met. The place felt and smelled like grandparents (well great grandparents to me - I have a young family and still have a great grandmother alive at 89 or 90 years old I think). It just felt so like visiting my great grandparents - it was good. We bought several things
- some tailored suit coats that fit Kevin perfectly and were very nice
- a beautiful red dress my mother might be able to wear at my sisters wedding
- a great green bow tie complete with shamrock and Irish pipe
- and a lawn gnome
Kevin had a very hard time passing up an old eight track player with cassette converter. I love him for wanting it, I love him more for passing it up anyway. ;)

We picked up food and decided it was time for our third trip to Patio World to look at furniture for the back yard. Third trip because so far things had been coming out close to right, but never quite what we wanted - however recently having visited another store we changed our mind about stone vs. wood and decided to see what we could find with our new perspective. It worked; we found exactly the right table and chairs. I'll post a link later.

Returning him I was thrilled to find that B&H Photo had decided to send me (well and phoenixfeather) a 700 pg catalog of things I could buy. This is my new bible, I fawn and drool just looking at it. I think Kevin is getting jealous. Jealousy or not we put it too good use as we knew there were a few things we needed for traveling, specifically better traveling bags for our equipment. So we went to Keeble and Shuchat, picked out the pieces we liked best for our needs and then went back to the car to check prices on those items at B&H. We are saving so much money doing it there, and we still got to see the bags in person first. Prolly not fair to K&S - but we do also buy from them at times so it shouldn't be too horrible.

Kevin and I did a little more shopping and then had lemonade at a cafe and talked through our to do list for the week. It was nice and relaxing and refreshing and productive. Those words don't often seem to go together.

Home again we vegged. Did some research, ordered Thai food, watched a ton of Sex in the City episodes while also doing a little work on our computers. We have been sitting here side by side most of the night, computers on laps, discussing our activities (Kevin has been playing poker and winning a lot - thank you someone for paying for the new patio furniture. I'm updating old photo albums into the format and working on a dynamic archive).

Its been a wonderful evening sitting here. Some times I feel like the computers cut us off from each other. For that reason we have purposly had them in the living room less and less. Tonight it just worked.

So now I'm tired - its sleeping time. I just needed to share my content!

01:55 AM | Comments (1)
July 14, 2005
Kevin's Pirate Birthday

Anything you want to tell me feel free!!

10:33 AM | Comments (0)
July 13, 2005
Not feeling like my self much lately. Especially today. And way too many nightmares in the last few weeks.

*sighs* I'm really not happy.

11:59 AM | Comments (0)
July 12, 2005
Patriotic Parade - Year Two

Anything you want to tell me feel free!!

02:07 PM | Comments (0)
July 07, 2005
Fun With Fireworks

Anything you want to tell me feel free!!

02:02 AM | Comments (2)
July 06, 2005
Why Do I Let Myself Get SOOO Worked Up Over a TV Show!!

First off I will admit that yes, Kevin and I are big Geeks, we have been watching Dancing With The Stars every week. With our minimal ballroom experience (compared to the professionals) and with some funny stars competing it has been fun. And it is apparently the most watched summer TV show of the last 5 years. Go figure!

We have been rooting for John O'Hurley all the way through. John and Charlotte had great poise and chemistry and there was nothing better than watching them dance.

Kelly on the other hand - while she should receive the 'Most Improved' award, in no way should have won this competition!! In the last competition - The free style dance - she had her footing off several times, she began to mis-start a step and then look at her partner for a cue to continue the dance and actually mis-landed her final move hitting her knees. She composed herself well, and as a theatre person I have to commend her for her ability to keep going and keep composure. That said - A FLAWED DANCE DOESN'T EQUATE TO PERFECT 10's. I'm sorry, it just does not!!!

Kevin figured out that our couple couldn't win no matter what. The score is calculated by half judges vote and half call in votes. Kelly, being a soap star just couldn't be competed with, and according to the rules - in the event of a tie the audience vote wins. I could do all the math, but i won't, it just comes out that John and Charlotte couldn't win. That still doesn't mean that you score an imperfect dance with a perfect score. I know its more dramatic this way and blah blah, and they had to make it look like the couple that was going to win no matter what deserved to win; but really, could you make how fixed it was more obvious!!!???

Links to Kevin's clips will be coming.

10:55 PM | Comments (4)
July 04, 2005
Beautiful Island

Anything you want to tell me feel free!!

12:20 AM | Comments (1)
July 01, 2005
A Walk Through Idyllwild

Anything you want to tell me feel free!!

12:09 AM | Comments (1)