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March 26, 2005
Its A Peeps Show - Part Two Easter

Anything you want to tell me feel free!!

12:32 AM | Comments (5)
March 25, 2005
So Much To Write... SO MUCH!!!

I know i've been slacking here. Way too much has been going on.

I'm overwhelmed and not sure where to start yet or how to start. I will do it this weekend, I promise.

In the meantime a new easterish album will be going up a little later today complete with an easter background. And then this Sunday is Kevin and I's annual Easter in the Cemetery so you will get this years easter egg albums soon.

Till then, just check out the last two years! 2003 2004


02:06 PM | Comments (0)
March 08, 2005
Macro Monsters

Anything you want to tell me feel free!! I would love to hear any comments about the new site design. Oh and look, up in the address bar, I HAVE A FAVICON!!!!! (the cool little replica of my logo next to the url - hee).

12:59 PM | Comments (5)
March 06, 2005
Team Kitty
Family , Giggles

There has been this BIG BLACK FLY buzzing around today. It was let in while Kevin and I were working on organizing the garage and left the door open for a while. Miss Nym has been chasing it around the house all evening in her intent silly way.

Just as we were about to go to bed I noticed the huge black fly had landed on the wall in front of us above the table. Nym was sitting there intently watching said fly and trying to figure out how she would be able to get it up so high (about my shoulder height on the wall). The fly had also been bugging Kevin today, so when I pointed it out he walked over to swat the fly and be done with it.

As he approached Nym let out a little cry of protest and as she realized that he really as going for it she cried and again walked her front legs up the cushions stacked beside the wall as if to say "no, thats MY fly!"

Kevin, being the light-hearted guy that he is, decides okay and picks up Nym and holds her over to the wall by the fly. She reaches right out and SWATS that fly good.


Not enough to kill it, but it did feel the wrath of the kitty.

After Kevin set her down she kind of followed him around like he was her hero. He picked her up one other time just to hold her and she immediately started looking up at the walls and propping herself up in his arms as if she were getting ready to bat at something. Its the cutest thing!! Kevin is Nym's stilts!! Go Team Kitty!!

12:12 AM | Comments (0)
March 03, 2005
Opposite of Red

Anything you want to tell me feel free!! I would love to hear any comments about the new site design. Oh and look, up in the address bar, I HAVE A FAVICON!!!!! (the cool little replica of my logo next to the url - hee).

11:36 PM | Comments (8)
March 02, 2005
photo.phoenixfeather 3.0
Blogging , Photography

I'm very very excited!!

I've redesigned the photo blog! This would be why the albums have been slow to come out these last few weeks. It has been a total blessing this time to have a top class designer in the house. I would do up some mocks and he would give me a few critiques and the site developed beautifully.

Kevin also being a php wizard has also been a saint and adapted his programming from the random pixel site so that 3.0 is now fully automated. In the past year I have done every album by hand; copy/paste and find/replace have been my friends. No longer though!! Now, once I have my pictures together, I can turn them into albums as fast as I can think of titles and captions!!

photo.phoenixfeather 3.0 will also have a couple of cool little bells and whistles, but I'm going to keep them a secret for now. Nothing big, prolly only things I would get excited about. And it will be a while before all the old albums are updated to the new design, but I plan to get them all there this time; no more some in the first design and some in the second.

Gotta get back to work now. Tonight or tomorrow 3.0 should be LIVE!!

Thank you Thank you Thank you Kevin for all your work and support!!

*bounce bounce work bounce bounce*

09:31 PM | Comments (0)
March 01, 2005
Puppy Saddness
Family , Love
We had bad news today. Dasy, my father's oldest and best bulldog has skin cancer. We don't know how long she has, it could be weeks or months. There is nothing we can do but make her happy and comfortable. She is a very happy dog! Happy and sweet and oh so wonderful. We will cherish what time there is left! I'm just so very sad. :(
12:27 AM | Comments (4)