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September 08, 2005
So Expensive

Paging through Dwell I found this gorgous tv console table.

It's beautiful, I feel in love! Then I looked it up online and found the price. :(

Why?!! I say Why???!!!!!????


Because Dwell is the pimp of fine furniture. It should be used as a source of inspiration only, a jumping off point.

I mean, the magazine started with eight-odd million in the black! No magazine starts with that kind of budget. Tear a page and the magazine would bleed money.

Posted by: Mark at September 8, 2005 10:53 PM

It looks like it has sort of an asian feel. You might want to look at Cost Plus or Pier 1 for TV tables/cabinets with a similar feel. They are usually much cheaper than what that one costs.

Posted by: Em at September 9, 2005 12:48 PM

*sighs* Yes I know that Dwell shows mostly high end stuff. But who in their right mind spends $6000 on a tv table. I do understand some level of expense for quality, but really, thats INSANE!!!!!

Thanks for the store ideas Emily. I just checked both stores out online and found one coffee table we might consider, but sadly nothing else.

This console is what currently what we are considering getting, and I do really love it, I'll be quite happy with it. Its taller than most other ones which is something we like the idea of.

Its just that the other table was SO SO pretty!

Posted by: rachel at September 9, 2005 03:59 PM
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