Kevin bought me a ring!!!!!!
Now before any of you go jumping to conclusions, just settle down. Its not the kind of ring that has that whole "till death do us part" ceremony attached to it. Very appropriate joke for halloween though. ;) But anyway, its not that and it won't be for a while, if ever, so just hold your horses.
Anyone who knows me from before I moved to California knows that I have an affinity for rings. I used to wear four to five daily. And nearly all of my rings have story or meaning behind them. When I moved to California and started losing a bit more weight most of my rings stopped fitting me and I had to stop wearing all but two of them. Often times my hands feel naked.
One of the rings I used to wear was a claddagh ring. I have missed it, I liked having a symbol on my finger that could tell people if I was in a relationship or not (provided they were in the know). When I couldn't wear my old one anymore Kevin said he would get me a new one, especially since the ring should be from and worn for the person you are in a relationship with. Well we never found one we liked and it got put off with everything else so I've been about 6 months without a claddagh on my finger... Till Now!!!
In my favorite little jewelry store in Palo Alto, Shady Lane, we found the perfect ring.
Its a non-traditional claddagh ring since it is missing the crown. The hands symbolize friendship, the heart symbolizes love and the crown is meant to symbolize loyalty or in some older interpretations it could possibly be fealty. I could say that the ring without the crown is a more updated ring for today's woman... but really I just like it this way!
Anyway this is my new ring that my Kevin got for me. I love him and it so so so much!!!

(The other ring is the emerald I bought myself after graduating with my Masters In Arts Management from CMU)