Have I mentioned that I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!!
Kevin and I set up a haunted graveyard in the front yard (video to come) and we got about 45 trick or treaters!!! The whole things made me so happy... I was really impressed with our first year of haunted yard... it was great!
Oh and we picnicked in goth garb this afternoon in a cemetery in Oakland (pictures to come). All in all a great halloween!!!
*settles into a content blissful smile for the night*
I hope you are all having a wonderfully spooky night!
Anything you want to tell me feel free!!
Kevin bought me a ring!!!!!!
Now before any of you go jumping to conclusions, just settle down. Its not the kind of ring that has that whole "till death do us part" ceremony attached to it. Very appropriate joke for halloween though. ;) But anyway, its not that and it won't be for a while, if ever, so just hold your horses.
Anyone who knows me from before I moved to California knows that I have an affinity for rings. I used to wear four to five daily. And nearly all of my rings have story or meaning behind them. When I moved to California and started losing a bit more weight most of my rings stopped fitting me and I had to stop wearing all but two of them. Often times my hands feel naked.
One of the rings I used to wear was a claddagh ring. I have missed it, I liked having a symbol on my finger that could tell people if I was in a relationship or not (provided they were in the know). When I couldn't wear my old one anymore Kevin said he would get me a new one, especially since the ring should be from and worn for the person you are in a relationship with. Well we never found one we liked and it got put off with everything else so I've been about 6 months without a claddagh on my finger... Till Now!!!
In my favorite little jewelry store in Palo Alto, Shady Lane, we found the perfect ring.
Its a non-traditional claddagh ring since it is missing the crown. The hands symbolize friendship, the heart symbolizes love and the crown is meant to symbolize loyalty or in some older interpretations it could possibly be fealty. I could say that the ring without the crown is a more updated ring for today's woman... but really I just like it this way!
Anyway this is my new ring that my Kevin got for me. I love him and it so so so much!!!

(The other ring is the emerald I bought myself after graduating with my Masters In Arts Management from CMU)
I feel like I'm neglecting this blog... I do have things to say... I have the whole Baja trip story to tell... its a good one. However I'm holding off for two reasons:
1. I want to coincide the story with the photos going up. I now have only one small photo album left of the Carmel trip before I can choose what my next series will be. There may be a halloween or house photo album insert before the trip, or I might just jump right into the trip, I haven't decided yet.
2. We have a new house, and we have to be out of our old house by the 31st. The washer and dryer are being delivered today and there is packing and cleaning and unpacking galore that has been keeping me busy and away from the blog.
I do promise a cool story coming up complete with beautiful sunsets, white sand beaches, amazing animals, close encounters of the poisonous kind and even PIRATES!!
Stay tuned!
Happy 50th Anniversary Grandma & Grandpa!!!
I know you had a great time, Wish I could have been there!
Love you both!!!!

Anything you want to tell me feel free!!
Anything you want to tell me feel free!!
Anything you want to tell me feel free!!
Movers tomorrow!!!!! gaaaaaaakkkkkkk!!!!! *sighs* |
Sorry about the dead blog! We just got back from kayaking, camping, snorkeling, etc in La Paz Mexico.
There is much story to tell, and many pictures to show (once I get to look at them!). There is much to come... SO MUCH!!! WA HA HA...
Sorry, had a little Zim in me
housey, housey, housey, housey..... *bounces* and runs over to the new house to lay on the floor!! weeeee....
So I'm learning not only about my body but also other peoples bodies too. I'm flexy girl... I have always been very flexible, bendy and twisty. I'm doing yoga now, not to increase my flexibility, but to increase my balance and strength. Because of this I hear the instructions given a little differently.
Often they will explain things by saying... "if you can, put your hip on the floor", or "if you can... do this something". I tend to get confused by these instructions because, well yes I most likely can... but I don't always understand where they want me to go. I literally don't always understand which directions other people don't stretch. Am I stretching forward or backward? Often times I really don't know. Should I be feeling something doing this?
yeah yeah, i know... woe is me... the point is: bodies are weird... and its really interesting to figure out how it all works.
New Refrigerator Makes An Entrance
We ran all around last night and we finally picked a new fridge which is hopefully being installed on Friday. Woo hoo... This is what it looks like. The only difference between ours and this one is that we didn't get the water filter.
Cat Lounges In Tree - No Firemen Needed
Nym has been a good girl... the feliway air fresheners have drugged our cat into kitten like happiness. Sooo... there has been this scratching post/play ground for kitty that I have been wanting for years. Its shaped like a tree. So has a bribe/treat for being good we got it for Nym. We thought her having it before the move would make the move easier since she would get there and see something that was hers. She adores this thing. Once we showed it to her, she began sitting in it almost non-stop. She almost doesn't sit on the couches with us anymore. It is really the cutest thing ever!!!
This Is Not A Medical Blog
I had a random blood vessel burst last week. It looks so very pretty... many colors and oh so big. People have told me that I should have been posting pictures. I decided I might scare my readers away if I keep grossing you all out with the evil things my body is doing. So I've told you... you don't get to see!! *grin*
Travel: Outdoor Adventures In Baja California
Next Tuesday Kevin and I are leaving for Mexico. Its off to Baja california to Kayak and camp and snorkel in the sea of Cortez. I have ordered a very pretty underwater camera. I'm excited about this trip. I've been working out trying to get in shape for this trip, I've been working hard, but I don't know if it worked. I guess I'll find out next week. I'm so so so so excited!
Coming Up On October 8th: The House That Kevin Bought
We are almost there... pictures and details to come!!!
There is something about the day... I'm itching for a thunderstorm suddenly, I want to hear the rumble and feel it down my back. I know I won't get it... but I'm feeling it...
I just think its funny that about 3 photo bloggers posted new photos between 12:30 and 2am on a Saturday night. Home from whatever we are doing and its straight to the photos.
And what was I doing during that time span? working on photos for my next album and waiting for the blanket for the bed to dry. :)
September was a good month for PhoenixFeather! All three PhoenixFeather sites reached all time highs!! Check it out! (don't compare the graphs directly to each other, they each have different scales)
(March - May this site was the blog, then it changed)

http://blog phoenixfeather.net
(blog moved here at the end of May)

(My most popular by far!!)

I can't wait to see how october goes!!
Anything you want to tell me feel free!!