I was going to write a post today about how tender my tush is after yesterdays deep tissue massage. (I swear its day two and I can't move without feeling it. Good masseur). But you have all been spared, mostly, because of an email I received this morning.
I have been taking photography classes online from Betterphoto.com for several months now. This site was recommended to me by local freelance photographers and employs renowned photographers from around the world. Last semester I took a class on Mastering Exposure with Bryan F. Peterson. The class was great and I really learned a lot. During the class I photographed "Painted" and posted it as a piece in one of my homework assignments. At Bryan's encouraging I submitted this photograph in the contest that Better Photo has monthly.
14249 entries in the contest and I'm really proud to say that I am one of the 305 finalists!!!!!

So I made the first cut. Over the next few days the judges will be choosing the winners. I'm excited!! Wish me luck, I'll let you know how I do.