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rachel at phoenixfeather.net
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June 04, 2004
Photography Website
Earth , Photography

So I'm planning to open some real content on my new business website today. I was showing a few pages to my sister and they were loading rather slow. It could be just her internet service or the day or something but I want to find out.

So I need a favor from my readers; flip through the pages of my site (currently content-less) and let me know if they are loading slow. THANKS!!



Loading fine for me (on Cable over WiFi)

Posted by: Ryan at June 4, 2004 04:16 PM

Navigating to pages is speedy, but image loading seems a tad slow. DSL in Seattle hotel room.

Btw, unsolicited comment: I really want something to happen when I click on the (beautiful) photos! Smallish pictures on the web invite clicking.

Posted by: bay at June 4, 2004 04:57 PM

ok (dsl from the uk).

Site layout looks good as well.

Posted by: Russell Dyas at June 5, 2004 06:39 AM

Thank you all for responding, it has really helped. I have decreased the load time slightly. The trick is finding the compromise I'm willing to make between load-time and picture quality. Turns out I'm not willing to compromise much.

Anyway, I don't think the quality decrease is noticeable, but hopefully the load-time increase will be.

Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you all for helping me test this!!

Posted by: rachel at June 5, 2004 09:07 AM

I have a great connection and fast loading. I rock.

Posted by: BlackSheep at June 6, 2004 12:43 AM
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