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April 07, 2004
Laughing Balloon Heads
Air , Giggles , Photography

This site is pretty cool. In an effort to find out what laughing is a photographer and a balloon twister have gone on trips around the world together making balloon hats for people and photographing them. They also ask the question "What is Laughing?" to which they have a variety of reponses. If nothing else check out the photos on this site, they will get you laughing.

"Laughing is the smile of the World."

Weerashon Puttrpadit, Mahasarakham, Thailand

So Phoenix Feather readers, what is laughing to you?

[Thanks to Photo Blog for this link.


I figure I should answer this question myself first.

I define most things in elements lately, so I will start by saying laughing is air. Its not just any air though, laughing is air that tickles you from the inside out until you have to make some kind of giggle, or snort or chortle sound. Its the air inside you that insists on escaping and being heard by the rest of the world. Its the air that feels good inside and even better out loud.

Posted by: rachel at April 7, 2004 02:43 PM

Have you noticed that most of the people in the pictures aren't laughing? Perhaps balloon hats are not so funny......

Posted by: BlackSheep at April 8, 2004 09:50 AM

A few of the pictures have people laughing in them, but the don't look as funny with the balloons when they are laughing. *shrug* Maybe they are laughing on the inside! :)

Posted by: rachel at April 10, 2004 10:13 AM
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