I love these!!!!
I still am lobbying for a bright blue, or emerald green, background (where the gray feathers are!)
The colors would look even more brilliant against this!
I'm going to make a nit-picky comment here. So ignore it if you want. It's your website after all. However, they way your photo album is set up I have to scroll down on every page to see the complete photo and your caption. I'd prefer if you moved your masthead and navigation bar to the left column or below the photo so it is front and center in the screen and visible with no scrolling at all. Btw, I have your average 15" screen.
JF: yeah, I know about that problem. Its on my list of things to fix, and hopefully I'll do it soon. I really don't want to do a column if I can avoid it, but I will see what I can do.