I love this picture. It seems to bridge teh gap between photography and illustration. The label is just so crisp, and the rest so ornate that it looks too real, yet surreal. I'm not making any sense. I'm just trying to figure out what kind of frame could contain this pic on the wall without diminishing the impact.
In response to you, Kev, I too adore that photo. The shiny clarity of the glass contrasted with the worn lettering is striking. A large white mat, uncentered, simple black frame.
I love my horns..... ;)
And Kev, sweeeeeet job on the Coit Tower
Oh and, LOVING the new web design work. The comments link with the album photo is eggggggcellent. And the placeholder page on phoenixfeather looks really nice.
just perfect an incredible series!
Kevin, I guess we have to do another photo order.
Ali, I thought your horns were so cute. The design is coming along. Still adjustments to be made. I'm not sure yet if I want to keep the comments inside my blog or have them be separate, but this works for now since separate comments isn't top priority yet.
Okie, thanks so much!